Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 28 – Paper bridge = STRONG

Since we had our lessons in the afternoon today, Eudora got up early in the morning and headed to Duo Luo Jie to get us breakfast. She got us the 热干缅(Hot dry Noodle) which is a local delicacy in Wuhan. The taste of it was spicy, it had sweet sauce, some preserved vegetable and sesame oil all mixed together with the noodle.
Hot Dry Noodle

After our lunch, we headed to class whereby we were given a task whereby we had to build a paper bridge which could be able to withstand the weight of 5 thick and heavy books. The rule was that we are able to use as many paper as we want and as many paper clip as we want, but we are not allowed to bend the paper clip, neither are we allowed to tear the paper. The group which is able to build the longest bridge with the least resources wins the game.

Thus, my group started discussing, we tried folding the paper into thick layers by using 4 pieces of paper, but we realize that it wasn’t strong enough, and so we kept adding more and more paper into the middle of our bridge. It was after around ½ hour when we realized that the bridge could be stronger if we were to fold the paper into smaller rectangles. And so we had to unfold everything and refold it, and we had lesser paper clips as we spoiled most of them when we were building our first bridge.
Discussing our strategies

Thankfully, we manage to complete the building of our bridge within the time limit. But our bridge was a unique one, it doesn’t look like a bridge, it looks like a Sampan, a really strong one. The amazing thing was that we had only used 21 pieces of paper and 19 paperclips and the end result was pretty good, it manages to withstand 4 of the heavy and thick books! Even though the other teams was able to withstand all the books.
Our ... uh hem - bridge



Reflection time


It seems that time passes really fast, this would be my last week in Wuhan, and my last week in WUST. Suddenly I hope that time would just stop so that I would be able to spend more time in Wuhan, spend more time with all the people over here in this 5th OIP trip. Guys I am sure I will miss all of you here, but for now let’s just enjoy our last few days together.

I will cherish all the days we spent together

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