First day of our trip: Eye openerWe woke up at 10 am in the morning just so that we would be able to have our breakfast before heading for the cruise trip. Before having our breakfast at MacDonald, we went to a bread shop to get some food stock up into our bags because we heard that in the cruise they would only provide the 3 basic meals and if you are hungry, you would have to purchase your own food.It was around 12.30pm when all of us set off for our cruise trip. It took us around 4 to 5 hours before we reached Yi Chang and have our dinner.
Our Dinner
Before boarding the Cruise
After dinner, we finally headed to the pier to enjoy our cruise trip. We were given some time to settle ourselves before heading to the deck. At the deck, most of us camwhored and waited for the lock. Due to some delay we only manage to capture the first lock at around 10 plus. Most of us were pretty excited about it and so we decided to capture the 2nd lock which we would reach at 1 plus 2 am, it was said that the 2nd lock would be of 5 storey high. And so since there was pretty much time left, most of us return to the deck just to check out the night scenary. However it was pretty dark out there and so most of the time we were only looking out for houses and the weather was really COLD.
On the deck (PS:Camwhore time ^^)
Houng Sheng, Me ,Liang Xun
Michelle, Me
WeiLin, Me
Me, YuChuan
The Girls ^^
Momo, Michelle, Me, HoungSheng
Me, Zhen Zhao
Finally, we heard the announcement of the 2nd lock and so we headed to the 2nd storey of the cruise to capture the 2nd lock. It was already 2 plus when we have cross the first storey of the 2nd lock and so most of us decided to return back to our rooms to get some rest as we would have to be awake before 7am for our breakfast.
The Locks
Second day of our trip: A fruitful dayDuring the noon we were told to report at the deck of the cruise to have a view of Shen Nu Xi. After so, we were told to transfer to a smaller boats where we would get a better view of the Gorges.
Shen Nu Xi

We were told to get off at a spot where we were given a chance to take a step nearer to nature. We were asked to climb to the top of the hill, which would take us roughly 10 to 15 minutes. When we were at the top, the view was really nice and the air over there was also pretty fresh.
The view while climbing up the hill

At the top of the Hill

It took us around 2 hours before we headed back to the cruise to have our lunch. We manage to have a short break of an hour after our lunch before going to out next destination, Bai Di Miao( A place where Liu Bei was in). Over there, we had to climb around 400 steps of stairs before we were able to reach our final destination. Thankfully the weather was really cooling, and so that makes the climbing of steps much more easier for us.
Bai Di Miao

These are all found inside Bai Di Miao
Tuo Gu Tang

Dong Bei Lin ( A place where they kept all of their crafting)

They said that by touching this, it would help us gain wealth Third day of our trip: Returning back to our hostelBefore heading back to our hostel, we had an early tour around San Xia. We were brought to 3 different areas where we were being introduced to the beauty of San Xia.
While waiting for the bus

A Model of San Xia
This is a really HUGE truck
Group photos ^^

After the cruise trip, I have finally seen with my own eyes how the 3 Gorges Dam look like. During my secondary school days, my Geography teacher use to tell me how beautiful the 3 Gorges Dam was, how magnificent the view was from the top of the hills, how fresh the air was, but all I got to see was pictures after pictures. But true enough, after witnessing the beauty of the place with my own eyes, it is proven that what my teacher had taught me in the past was true.
Also, I have learnt a something new from this cruise trip. I was pretty amazed by how the dam works, when I saw the locks, I was impressed by how it manages to “control” the water just by opening and closing the gates. And that how it manages to “lift” the ships with a simple theory which we might have all learn in our primary school.
Even though this trip was a little tiring, but I think it is really worthwhile. At least I have manage to gain more knowledge right?